The creative’s mind is both remarkable and indescribable…….simple yet complex. The beauty of such raw, God given talent should never go unnoticed or ever be underappreciated, but in some instances it does. Fortunately, I have had the pleasure of not only knowing one of these amazing, creative beings, but I’ve also been blessed to bounce ideas off one another, take notes, gather inspiration, and just simply trade positive vibes on a few occasions.
From paintings, drawings, and photography to accessories, and even some writing, my homegirl Nicole dabbles in it all……and she’s crazy dope at all that she does. Nicole’s creative eye never ceases to amaze me! Her work is so detailed,unique, and beautiful, it’s an honor to possess any piece of art that she has created. When I began to dabble in fashion design a year or so ago, Nicole was someone who I knew would understand the love/hate relationship that you sometimes have when it comes to your creations. It was through her creative vision and photography that I realized just how beautiful my garments actually were. Seeing my designs in her pictures was a surreal moment because I could finally say that I also had a God-given talent.
Since being acquainted with Nicole, I have always felt honored whenever her creative juices would start flowing and she would ask me to be apart of her project. Now with me making clothes we have started collaborating my designs and styling with her custom accessories and photography and it’s been absolutely GREAT!!!! Like seriously, the best thing since sliced bread! Can’t wait to see what type of dope ish we cook up in 2018!!!
Please check out and shop Nicole’s accessories here! You can also follow her on Instagram here.
(Fishnets are from The Ice Cream Lady)