I don’t know if you’ve heard BUT……THE RESULTS ARE IN!!!!
Here is the newly crowned 2016 Miss Plus America National Court!!!!
L to R: Thandisizwe Jackson-Nisan, Miss Plus America 2016; Deontrae Sherrard, Mrs. Plus America 2016; Lauren Stewart, Miss Plus America Elite 2016; Wykesha King, Ms Plus America 2016; Neely Woodroffe, Miss Plus America Teen Ambassador 2016
This year we started a little thing that we plan to keep going for the duration of the Miss Plus America Pageant System. Pictured below is Miss Plus America 2013, 2o14, 2015, and 2016. Hopefully next year we can get our other sister Queens to make it to nationals so that we can complete it and continue with our tradition.

If you or someone you may know is interested in representing your home state for the 2017 National Pageant or you’d like to receive information on being a state director OR you’d like information on being National sponsor or vendor for our 2017 Miss Plus America Pageant please to go to http://www.missplusamerica.com